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Friday, August 16

I'm Sorry Beast!

Blogging time!!

It's been so long since my last update!
At first, I was thinking of updating something, a story about ME,
but then I remember that I create this blog to update people about my KPOP interest.
LOL. As if people read my blog!

So....cancel updating about my day life story,
let me update about my latest interest in KPOP industries these days..
which is....
Beast (B2ST) new song! I'm Sorry!

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! dance move!
I personally like the 'reverse-reach-out' dance ( I don't know the real name for that move ) they did when they sang "uh-uh-uh"...
Nice nice nice!

Beside the addictive dance move, I of course love the song itself. This song is purrrrrfect for my ear coz I like sad-love-story-catchy-ballads. hahaha!
Hope this song receive lots of love from others, not just B2uty (cause I'm not B2uty myself ^^).

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